Malika Kabra Rathi

Clinical Nutritionist & Food Therapist

Paneer Frankie



1. Dry roast all dry ingredients except gond and flax seed until colour starts changing to light brown. Separately roast alsi on very low temperature for 2 minutes only.

2. Add the above all dry roasted ingredients in a blender and blend until you get a fine or slightly coarse powder.

3. In a Kadhai add 1 tbsp of Ghee once it’s hot add 1 tsp of Gondh and cook for 3-5 seconds or until the Gondh fluffs up. Remove in a big mixing bowl and keep aside.

4.Repeat the same process for the rest of the Gondh. Make sure you dont add all the gond in the ghee at once,  the Gond can remain uncooked in the middle. 

5. In the same kadai add 1 tbsp of Ghee. Once hot, add the jaggery and stir till the jaggery melts and starts showing bubbles. Turn of the flame.

6. Add this melted jaggery in the mixing bowl along with the Gondh.

7. Add all the dry roasted and blended powdered ingredients as well. Mix well till all the ingredients and make laddoos of size of lemon.